Tips for Handling and Storing Printing Paper

  1. Do Not Unpack Until Needed:
  • Do not remove the printing paper from its packaging until you are ready to use it.
  • In environments with poor temperature and humidity control, store unused paper back in its original packaging.
  • Try to only take out as much paper as you need at one time.
  1. Paper Capacity in the Paper Tray:
  • Refer to the printer’s specifications for the maximum thickness of paper that can be placed in the paper tray.
  • Follow the recommended capacity to avoid jams or other issues.
  1. Maintaining Dryness:
  • Place a desiccant box in the printer’s paper tray to help keep the paper dry.
  • This prevents the paper from becoming damp and affecting future use.
  1. Handling Moist Paper:
  • If the paper becomes damp, seal it and set it aside temporarily.
  • Use the damp paper when the humidity is lower and the temperature is higher.


To ensure the best performance and longevity of printing paper, follow these tips:

  • Store the paper in its original packaging until it is needed.
  • Follow the printer’s specifications for the amount of paper to place in the tray.
  • Use a desiccant to keep the paper dry in the printer’s tray.
  • Temporarily set aside damp paper and use it later when the conditions are more favorable.

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